
Personal Presentation & Social Skills
Our workshops promote independence and build on the strengths and abilities of people living with a disability. Our person-centred workshops are focused on increasing the social and community participation of people of all ages living with a disability to;
change negative stereotypes of disability in the community.
empower a person with the skills and confidence they need to engage and be active in the community and social networks.
inspire people to take pride in their personal appearance and to build self confidence and self esteem.
prepare a foundation for future inclusion and employment.
Grooming workshops for person with a disability
Our aim is to teach different areas of personal presentation and deportment to build self confidence and self esteem.
Hair styling
Styling to suit your face shape and features.
Which colours work for different skin tones.
Skin Care / Make up
Correct skin care regimes so you present your best.
Practical application of skin care products.
Makeup techniques to enhance features.
Nail Care / Body Care
Complete a manicure and pedicure (hands on).
Use body scrubs and lotions.
Personal colours
Discover your personal colours and what brings out your best features
Learn how to co ordinate colours.
Body shape Discover your body shape and learn how to create balance.
Which shapes, patterns and fabrics work to your advantage.
Appropriate attire for a job interview or important occasion.
Building a working wardrobe / shopping trip
Buying on a budget
Discover Me - more than a disability
Nurturing a positive view of oneself and encouragement to take personal responsibility for engaging in social activity.
About me
Discovering your "why" in life.
Art of self acceptance and self confidence
Positive self image and knowing your value.
Personal goal setting and unlocking your dreams.
Personality styles
Self discovery - understanding different personality types to enhance better communication with people.
What’s your love language? Gain a better insight into your own responses and from those around you so healthy relationships can be built.
Enhancing relationships and building social networks
Assisting clients to be pro active in building relationships with others in the community.
Networking / good manners
Learning the skill of how to start a conversation and network.
Social skills and good manners
Emotional intelligence
Body language
Learning about verbal and non verbal communication to develop connection with others.
Table etiquette - Understanding the art of correct table manners for daily, or formal situations.

DSSA Etiquette night
Work ready- showing your ability
Employability skills to set you apart-
Discovering your strengths and abilities set.
Unlocking your USP (Unique Selling Point).
How to construct a résumé an employer will look at.
Relate your skills to the job effectively.
Effective résumé layout.
Understanding the employer's mindset.
Interview skills and communication.
Body language in an interview.
How to answer common interview questions.
Dressing for an interview.
Cold calling effectively
How to cold call on the phone to get the interview.
Face to face cold calling to get to the key person.
Disability and mental health awareness training for organisations and business groups.
Over 20% of Australians have a disability,this training is designed to contribute to making your organisation and workplace disability-friendly and a with knowledge of disability in our society
Participants will :
Examine the history of disability and mental health in Australia
Challenge the myths,stereotypes, misconceptions about people with a disability or mental illness.
Working effectively with people who have a disability
Look at positive contributions and abilities of people with a disability in the community
Examine definitions and types of disability
Learn appropriate language and terminology when working with people with a disability and mental health
Challenge the stereotypes and myths about disability and mental health
Unpack issues faced by people with a disability and or mental health concern.
Presentation of lived experience people living with a disability and support carers.
Communication skills that enable people to more effectively communicate at work and socialise with people with a disability
Disability legislation and legal requirements.
Respond to the information presented
Person centred and strength based training
There is a lot of talk in the disability sector about person centred practices this is not just a term to ad into a mission statement, a new philosophy that's the flavour of the month or a way going about what we do.This has to be a value at the core of what we do if we are involved in the disability or mental health sector which then is manifested in our actions and interactions with people with a disability.
This training is for
Families with a self managed plan to train workers
People working under self managed arrangements with NDIS with no formal training.
Up skilling of staff in exiting support services or organisations.
Disability sector workers wanting to further their knowledge.
Person centred training includes
Embracing person centred practices.
Learn the skills to assist a person with a disability to think about their life, what is working,what needs to change and what opportunities they could access to improve the quality of there life.
Support someone you care for to live the life they want to live and ensure any supports or services they are engaged with is working toward this.
Insure staff know the "how to " of person centre practices in the workplace and it not just theory of person centred practices.
Strength based training
How to identify learning opportunities
How to provide strengths-based support in day to day interactions
Build on skill development by using incidental learning opportunities
Identify strategies and opportunities to maximise active engagement